A downloadable game

Wacky, pixelated, button mashing, zombie survival game! All sound effects created by recorded mouth noises (nothing gross, I promise). Difficulty increases with each zombie defeated. Only Windows compatible.

Theme: "Building Up"

CONTENT WARNING: This game contains the use of firearms and pixelated shooting action. No graphic violence or gore is depicted, but there is combat with cartoonish enemies. Player discretion is advised.


I had bigger plans to cater to the theme and a lot more features in mind, but I had to cut the scope down immensely to meet the submission deadline. So far, only the difficulty "builds up". I had 2 major ideas for further development: having the defeated zombies pile up to increase the defenses of the (unimplemented) fortress and having the zombies' body part segments keep the fired bullets lodged inside to later be retrieved by melee striking the parts off the body. Queue leveling system and skill tree. I also wanted the player character to be some tri-brid fusion of Terry from Fatal Fury, Doomfist from Overwatch, and Leon from Resident Evil. (Not easily depicted with an 8x8 pixel art sprite haha)

I doubt I'll finish this one, but it was fun to see the entire development cycle from project start to full packaged build. (I almost never reach the shipping stage with my ideas).

I participated in the PJP Game Jam during the Summer of 2024. I decided to learn the Unreal Engine one day, and proceeded to download and install the software. I did not even open the engine until the jam started and the theme was announced. This was a challenge to myself to see how quickly I could pick up another tool for game development.


OhShoot.zip 575 MB

Install instructions

This game is only compatible with Windows systems:

1) Download the "OhShoot.zip"

2) Extract to a location of your choice

3) Launch "OhShoot.exe" found inside the "Windows" directory

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